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As the new editor for the GSHA newsletter, I am looking for exciting new content for upcoming issues.

The newsletter that went out this week is about our informative GSHA conference; take advantage of the EARLY BIRD special and register before July 28! Not sure you can attend the day of the event – all speakers will be recorded for viewing later so you will not miss any speaker. Please note that only paid attendees will have access to the lectures after the conference is over.

And while you are there, I would love for you to think about the speakers and the topics. Which one gave out information that will help you in your research? Did you learn about a new database? Did you network online and meet a new cousin? A new friend?

The next newsletter is planned to go out by September. I would like to have you send me your stories, reviews, photos, etc. of the 2021 Conference. What did we do right? What can we do to make your experience better? Was the virtual conference something that you liked, or are you ready for in person networking and learning? We want to hear from you.

I am also looking for research tips and websites you have discovered. Here is one you may not know about - Cyndi’s List has taken over what Katherine Willson started in creating this list. I have used it often and it is a great way to meet others that are researching the same areas as you and share content – and maybe even photos!

As a side note, I am a board member of the Tennessee Genealogical Society and recently retired as the Germantown Regional History & Genealogy Library. I still visit the library often, so if you find you have family in the Tennessee area and need a lookup, please feel free to email me at

So, 1) register for the conference and 2) keep notes on the conference to share back with me at I would love to have a photo of you to go with your notes, but not mandatory.

Tina Sansone

GSHA Newsletter Editor

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I am a 1940’s Zenith Console Radio, Chassis, Model 1005, Watts 95, Volts 117. I am now 81 years old.

To the left is how I looked when Martin delivered me to Lynda's home.

Now, I am gutted. My speaker cloth has been removed and I'm naked!!!!

However, I am starting to take shape.

My owners were the “SENA” Family. I was bought, and then landed up in the Herculano and Flora Sena household. I probably lived in Pintada and Santa Rosa New Mexico, as well as Fountain, Pueblo, and La Junta, Colorado.

The Sena family would turn me (the new radio) on and I would play country western music, while they would dance, sing and have a great time. I only played AM music. I’m sure they drank many a beers, whiskey, and tequila during this time while they were partying and having fun.

The daughters of the family, Ida and Donila, said that their brother, Wilton, could play the piano. So, Wilton would play the piano, with the country music playing in the background, and they would all dance and have fun.

My new owner, Lynda, said that her brother, Victor, was her grandpo Herculano and grandma Flora’s first grandson. Victor stated that when he was little, he would crawl on me, as I had little steps. Well, not really steps, but openings for him to step on with his baby feet, (actually, my front grill). He stated that his mom and dad would scold him and tell him to get off the radio. Then his grandpo and grandma would tell his son and daughter in-law to leave Victor alone! He said that I was Victor's radio and that Victor could do whatever he wanted.

When my owners, Herculano and Flora, moved from La Junta, Colorado, on June 30, 1956, they gave me to their son Rolando. Rolando then gave me to Victor when he and Della, his wife, downsized and moved to a smaller home. Victor, then gave me to his brother Martin. He, too, had downsized and didn’t have room for me.

Well, in 2020, Martin gave this old radio (me) to his sister, Lynda.

Lynda decided to refurbish this old radio that has been in the Sena family for at least 81 years. I am now considered a “Vintage” radio.

I like my new home; and although I do not play music like I did in the old days, my new owners, Lynda and Rory, like having me displayed in their home.

My previous owners’, Herculano and Flora, would be so happy to know that their granddaughter Lynda Sena, and her husband Rory Kouba, like having me around.

Lynda will keep me around until it’s time to give me to her great-nephew Levi Sena-Montoya. She wants to keep me in the family for a very, very long time.

I look pretty good now:

I have been stained, have a new cloth cover for the grill, and I am displayed proudly in my new home.



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Rolando Sena was born on March 23, 1926, in Bernalillo County, New Mexico. His parents were Jose Herculano Sena and Florentina (Flora) Fajardo. He was raised in Pintada, New Mexico.

Our dad’s trademark was his hat. He always wore a “FEDORA HAT!” He started wearing hats when he was young, and continued that tradition until the day he passed away. Our mom always laid out his clothes for him every morning. He always dressed up and was a professional business man.

This is a picture of my handsome Daddy.

Dad worked as a security guard at the Pueblo Army Depot and he also sold life insurance for over 25 years. He was a great salesman. He sold shoes, blankets, luggage, and just about anything he could, to support his family. He drove a taxi and worked many other types of jobs. He never wanted our mom to work outside the home. He always said that his “job” was to take care of his wife and kids. Mom had her hands full with eight children.

This picture is of Daddy, Rolando Sena, and his little brother, Horacio Sena. This picture was taken when they lived in Pintada, New Mexico. Notice his hat! They are so cute!

He instilled in his children our work ethic, the importance of family, and always putting family first. Daddy had many, many friends, but he always reminded us that “FAMILY” came first!

Another thing we all do when we are around each other is say, “MY dad.” I guess it’s a New Mexico thing. You know, “mi daddy!” Sometimes people say, “Why do you say, “My Dad?” We all laugh and say, because he IS my dad!

I asked my siblings to help me honor our father for Father’s Day. I wanted them to give me a few paragraphs about their relationship with Daddy. That’s what his hijas called our padre.

My parents had eight children and were married for over fifty years!

In order of birth are:

1. Victor: My dad was Rolando Sena, and my name is Victor Sena. I am the oldest of eight children. Three boys and five girls, me being the “favorite.” Ha! Ha! Ha! (We all say that!)

My dad was my best friend, my hunting and fishing partner, but mostly my “teacher!” I was taught to be responsible, a hard worker, and a caring person. As a family, we were taught to love and care for each other, unconditionally.

This is one of my favorite pictures of me with my dad, my two uncles and two of my cousins, on one of our hunting trips. We hunted elk and deer. Left to right: Cousin Eddie Lobato, Jerry Lobato, me (Victor Sena), Bob Wolf (a friend of Jerry’s), Uncle Juan Lobato, my dad, Rolando Sena, and Uncle Herman Lobato, kneeling.

Our dad always told little jokes or had different sayings/quips that would make us laugh. To this day, his jokes and sayings come out of our mouths. Dad always worked two jobs to ensure our family did not do without.

Our family was always dancing, listening to New Mexican music, playing volleyball, horseshoes, and baseball. We spent a lot of time with cousins and extended family, and continue to be a close-knit tribe.

I have 3 daughters, 1 son, 5 grandchildren, 1 step-daughter, 4 step-granddaughters, a step-grandson, and 1 step-great grandson, Romeo or Moe as we call him.

2. Martin: There are many, many stories to share about Dad! The one I still tell to this day, took place at San Isabel Lake, in Colorado! It was a fishing day. While walking around the lake, Dad saw a small garden snake wrapped in a fishing line on the edge of the lake. I watched him take out his pocket knife, pick up the snake, and gently cut away the fishing line. He then placed the garden snake back on the edge of the lake. The snake then followed us a few feet-we were both amazed! Dad said, “Even a snake can be thankful!”

Here I am with my dad and my two brothers. From left to right: brother Victor, Dad (Rolando), me (Martin), and brother Sam. This was taken in Albuquerque, NM.

I have one daughter, and two grandsons.

3. Dianna: Whenever we were at a wedding, family party, or at the New Mexico dances that were held in Pueblo, the daughters would fight to dance with our dad. Since there are five daughters, Dad would take turns dancing with all of us. Mom loved that, because she loved seeing her daughters dancing with Dad. As Mom got older, her knees started to hurt and she couldn’t dance as much. When Dad passed away, our brothers: Victor, Martin, and Sam took over. To this day, we still dance with our brothers.

This picture is of my parents at their 50th wedding anniversary dance. We had over 400 guests attend this celebration. It is one of my most memorable occasions with so much family and all of us having such a great time.

I have 2 sons, 6 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. I also have one adopted step-granddaughter and two step-grandchildren.

4. Sam: I feel that I am most like my dad. My siblings say that I look like our dad, have his mannerism, and his outgoing personality. When I was a teenager, I bought a 350cc motorcycle; so, Dad bought one too! Sometimes after work or on weekends, we would go cruising on our bikes. We always had a great time and many, many laughs. There are so many stories I could tell, but I would need to write a book. My dad was pretty hard on me as a teenager, as I was always getting into some sort of trouble. Nevertheless, he always supported me, and stood by me, no matter the situation.

I have 4 daughters, 15 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson and 3 great-granddaughters.

5. Lynda: My story is about Daddy teaching me about my career, education, finances and saving money. I think I am the daughter who most took his advice. Dad always said, “Save your money, don’t spend it all in one place, make sure you have something to show for your hard work in life, don’t quit your government job, and don’t be a follower, be a “leader.” Well, I have to say that I am glad that I listened to him! I think he would be so proud of me and my accomplishments. I didn’t quit my government job; and I too, worked two jobs, went to college, and was in a career field. I saved money so I could live comfortably in my retirement. I moved back to Pueblo; like he and Mom wanted me too. I sure miss you Daddy and Mom. You are always with me in my heart and soul.

One of my favorite pictures of Daddy was taken at a party in September 2006. He was pretending to drink a bottle of wine. I love his smile and the twinkle in his eyes. Daddy was actually very sick; but he never really complained about his health. He passed away November 10, 2006. I wasn’t ready to see him leave us. He was always so full of life!

6. Yolanda (twin 1): These are a couple of my fondest memories: When my kids were young and in sports, Dad and Mom would to go to most of their baseball games. When my daughters would hit the ball real hard or catch a fly ball, Dad would always yell out, “That’s my granddaughter!” When my daughters would hear their Grandpo, they would have a huge smiles on their faces. It was one of the nicest memories of my parents supporting their grandkids.

In the evening time, when Dad would come by to visit, he and my husband Dennis would sometimes have a shot of tequila. Dad would ask my daughter, Denise to give him two fingers. She didn’t understand what two fingers meant. She was supposed to put her fingers going the width of the shot glass, but instead she put her fingers “long ways/up and down/perpendicular” which gave him a triple shot! She would then pour tequila in the shot glass for him, and it was more tequila than he wanted! He and my husband would tell jokes to each other and enjoyed their time reminiscing about life.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my daddy:

I have 4 daughters, 11 grandchildren, 2 step-granddaughters, 2 step-grandsons, and 1 little boy we are raising.

7. Corrinne, twin 2: In this picture, Daddy is at my daughter Justine’s baby shower. We played a game with clothes pins. So, everyone who came to the shower, got a clothes pin. Our guests were told not to use the word “baby.” If, someone used the word baby, and was caught, the person who heard them saying baby, got their clothes pin(s). The person that got the most clothes pins toward the end of the shower, won a prize.

So, daddy tricked our cousin, Debbie Reyes by saying, “I didn’t know you were pregnant?” Then she said, “I’m not having a baby!” She had the most clothes pins, so Daddy said, “Give me all your clothes pins because you said, “Baby!” We all laughed and Daddy won the prize at the shower.

This picture shows Daddy at the shower. There were more clothes pins, but this gives you an idea of the clothes pins he put on this hat.

I have 2 sons, 1 daughter, 7 grandchildren and 1 step-granddaughter.

8. Eileen: When I think of my daddy, I remember learning how to dance with him before I could walk. My dad would dance with me at my recitals. When I joined “Up with People,” he and Mom traveled to some of the places that I toured. I would bring him up on stage and he was always the “STAR” of the show. He was very outgoing, loved to dance, and he always made the cast members laugh and have fun. Everyone loved him, and of course, my mom. Our favorite song to dance to was “Kansas City!” No matter who wanted to dance with Daddy, when that song came on, we did the “LINDY HOP!” It’s one of my fondest memories.

This is a picture of Daddy and me. He was such a great dancer, jokester and the life of our parties!

I have 2 sons, 1 daughter and 3 grandsons.

This is one of my favorite pictures of our family. It was taken at our parent’s “50th Wedding Anniversary.” We planned this celebration for our parents, as they had never had a “real’ party for their wedding. They were married twice. One was their civil ceremony, and the other was their Catholic Ceremony. The civil ceremony was because Daddy went off to the war and they wanted to be married before he left. Daddy was afraid Mom might find someone else. Because they were Catholic, they then got married in the Catholic Church when he came back from the war.

This is a picture of our family, at Christ the King Church in Pueblo, Colorado, for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Pictured from left to right are: Samuel, Paul Martin, Victor, Grandma Flora Sena, Dad - Rolando, Mom - Della, Dianna, Lynda, Yolanda and Corrinne (the twins), and Eileen.

Our Sena family has grown so much! We have eighty-eight descendants of Rolando Sena and Maria Deluvina Madrid (Lobato)! They had eight children, and from that number, we have grown by leaps and bounds. They have 20 grandchildren, 49 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren. They also have numerous step-grandchildren and step-great- grandchildren.

The “SENA” (Martin Serrano/Martin) Legacy continues on in their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. This picture was taken at one of our family reunions, at City Park in Pueblo, CO. Some of the children and grandchildren are missing.

Happy Father’s Day in Heaven Daddy/Dad!!!! We love you and miss you.

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