I found this link to search for soldiers from the civil war.
I looked up the Sena last name and this is what came up:
Sena, Casarino ~ Romero's Independent Company A, New Mexico Militia Infantry (3 months, 1861-62) Company }
Sena, Felipe ~ Romero's Independent Company A, New Mexico Militia Infantry (3 months, 1861-62) Company }
Sena, Antonio ~ Sena's Company A, 1st New Mexico Militia (2 months, 1862) Company }
Sena, Mariano ~ Sena's Company A, 1st New Mexico Militia (2 months, 1862) Company }
Sena, Tomiao ~ Sena's Company A, 1st New Mexico Militia (2 months, 1862) Company }
Sena, Jesus Mar. y Quintana ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company }
Sena, Jesus Sandobal y ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company }
Sena, Jose de Jesus ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company}
Sena, Jose Maria ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company}
Sena, Juan ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company}
Sena, Maria ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company}
Sena, Pablo ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (Old) Company}
Sena, Clemente ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Francisco ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Jesus Sandoval y ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Jose ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Jose D. ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Jose de Jesus ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Jose Dolores ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Juan ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Juan ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Juan Antonio ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Pablo ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Pablo ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Ysidro ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Cavalry Company}
Sena, Juan ~ Battalion, New Mexico Volunteers Company}
Sena, Jesus Maria ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (New) Company}
Sena, Juan Cristobal ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (New) Company}
Sena, Mariano ~ 1st Regiment, New Mexico Infantry (New) Company}
Sena, Clemente ~ 2nd Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Francisco ~ 2nd Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Jose ~ 2nd Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Jose D. ~ 2nd Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Patricio ~ 2nd Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Biviano ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Felez ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Felipe ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Francisco ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Ignacio ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Rogael ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Santiago ~ 3rd Regiment, New Mexico Mounted Infantry Company}
Sena, Francisco ~ 4th Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Jose Dolores ~ 4th Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Juan Antonio ~ 4th Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Mateo ~ 4th Regiment, New Mexico Infantry Company}
Sena, Antonio ~ Duran's Company, New Mexico Militia Company}
Sena, Jesus ~ Duran's Company, New Mexico Militia Company}
Sena, Teorircio ~ Duran's Company, New Mexico Militia
Two of my Great-Great Grandfathers fought for the Union. Listed below are my Great-Great Grandfathers, Francisco Sena and Rafael Garcia. It was easy to trace their names as they lived in Chaperito, NM. Which no longer exists as a town. I hope to one day be allowed to visit the cemetery where I have family members who are buried there. Thank God they survived this war.
