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Happy Mother's Day to my Proverbs 31 Mom

I am Carol (Madrid) Lucero, and I am wishing my “Proverbs 31 mom,” JoAnn (Trujillo) Madrid, a blessed Mother’s Day!

Here’s a few fond mom memories:

All the comfort food. Oodles of oatmeal, meat, potatoes, chili and homemade tortillas! Loved the egg salad sandwiches she packed in my school lunches.

The time she taught me the song, ‘My Favorite Things’ to sing in my 4th grade talent show. “Raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens”.

On floor washing days, she’d apply a polishing paste to the wood floors, (unheard of nowadays). Me and my siblings put on our old socks, and buffed the floor to a high shine. Real clever mom!

The time we remodeled the living room, when I was pregnant with my first child. Never afraid to tackle a DIY (do it yourself) project.

All her support with my band, choir, gymnastics, and church activities. She practically lived in the car!

In my teen years, she made me lots of one-of-a -kind hot pants, vests and bell-bottom pants. I was one “stylin” 70s chick!

Over the years we did a myriad of businesses together. Four restaurants, a dry-cleaners and three direct sales companies. Whew!

As a kid, standing next to her in church during song service, she’d raise her hands and sing to the Lord in her vibrato soprano voice. And she’s still doing that.

Being invited to the White House for a Presidential Cinco De Mayo Address; then touring the White House afterwards. That was one amazing experience!

The time Pete, me, Mom and Dad drove through Reno, Nevada. We couldn’t find a hotel room, so we slept in the car. We were all so tired and got super giddy. My mom laughed so hard, I thought she would pass out!

I could write a book with all my mom memories, but this is wa-a-ay long already.

Thanks, Mom, for who you are, all the love you gave, and still give, to your massive tribe, and others.

May our dear Lord bless you with many more productive, healthy years. Love you my BFF, prayer warrior mama!

This is a picture of me (on the left) and my mom JoAnn (Trujillo) Madrid (on the right).

The picture below is of me with my parents at the “Cinco de Mayo Celebration at the White House in Washington, D.C. Left to right is my mom, JoAnn, myself, and my dad, Bennie Madrid.

In this picture, are the following individuals from left to right: Paul Lane, my Mom’s sister Angela Trujillo, myself, my husband, Pete Lucero, my mom, JoAnn and my dad, Bennie Madrid, standing at the White House.

In the picture below sitting from the left to right is me (in the black and red dress), my mom and Paul Lane:

This picture was taken while we were attending a "Press Conference."

Last but not least, is a picture of President George Bush, Sr. It was a very exciting day for all of us!

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