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New Year Greetings

Happy New Year let us hope we are on the downside of this pandemic. We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday, if not unconventional.

We are looking forward to the new year and working on some new projects that will hopefully be of help to you. Looking to expand the use of ZOOM for presentations and training for those just starting on their family search. The conference is still on, but as stated earlier in a previous email, a final decision will be made on April 15th.

If you have not renewed your membership, please do so now. You can do so, either through your local chapter or go to and use our online payment system.

Reminder, we have a journal index, located on our website, go to, publications, if you are looking for a person, place, or event. Back issues of journals are available for sale, order forms available on our website, under publications, journal and in your latest journal. Authors of index John Valdez, FACC and Carolyn Cordova, FACC are currently updating index to include the years 2018 thru 2020.

Also, a reminder about our blog page, still a work in progress, but we will be posting articles in the next few weeks, so check it out and submit your stories. Send to any board member or your chapter rep for submission. We will be posting additional instructions for submitting articles soon. But for now, no longer than 4 pages, including charts and pictures.

As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous year ahead.

The GSHA Board and reps

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